Meet Your Doctor of Physical Therapy

My whole role is to provide support, spread knowledge, and find answers to create lasting relief!

  • Dr. Amy Fetch, PT, DPT, Owner

    As a new mama I know the struggle it can be to focus attention on you. I have learned first hand, you can not take care of everyone else until you take care of yourself. I am passionate about providing the physical therapy care every mama needs with a welcoming and non-judgmental safe space.

    I earned my Doctorate of Physical Therapy Degree from Mayo Clinic and undergraduate degree in biology and psychology at Augustana College. I found my passion in physical therapy as a collegiate runner with recurring injuries and a lot of quality time in a physical therapy clinic.

    I started my physical therapy career with a focus on the active orthopedic population with a passion for runners. As I treated women runners I quickly realized I couldn’t get the full picture without the knowledge of the role of the pelvic floor. That is when I took the Herman and Wallace pelvic floor course work. It opened me up to an entire new world of physical therapy and looking at each patient seeing the WHOLE picture. Since then I have taken numerous courses and certifications on the pelvic floor and women’s health.

    I have a strong passion for helping women feel confident in how their body is functioning and moving to be able to do activities they love without concern or hesitation. I strive to empower my patients to not only improve their issues, but to understand them and not fear them.

    I love working with a wide variety of patients from the mama that needs help with lifting her newborn pain free to the athlete returning to running and weight lifting. I am passionate on helping mamas live their life to the fullest.

Our mission is simple : To help you feel your best.

If you have had concerns around : Pregnancy, Post-Partum, Orthopedics, Pelvic Floor Disfunction - we are personally here to help you find answers and solutions to your unique situation. The next step is easy… just contact us and we can chat about what your individual concerns are and how we can best serve you.

You no longer have to suffer or be uncomfortable… there IS hope! Welcome to Chicago Mama PT.