Labor and delivery can be exciting, scary, physically demanding and everything in between! Let us help give you all the knowledge and skills to prepare you for this amazing day.

Labor and Delivery

Did you know that you can prepare for giving birth similar to training for any sporting event?!

Our specially trained physical therapists will educate and give you the tools you need so you feel ready for that exciting day! We are here to show you (and your partner) ways to achieve the birth plan you desire.

Steps include preparing your body physically and mentally through breath work, stretching, and strengthening. Pain strategies are taught and practiced to help you feel more prepared for what is to come. Support teams are proven to help mamas through this process, we can show them how to effectively help you through positioning and pain management.

Let’s talk through creating the environment you envision and how to implement it effectively. You deserve to feel confident and educated going into labor and delivery, we will help you get there!